STATUS QUO le dimanche 21 juillet 2024


dimanche 21 juillet 2024, 20h30



Prix unique
DEBOUT Normal 58,50 €
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Status Quo show is announced to take place at Rockhal on Sunday, the 21st July 2024!

Each riff and lyric carries the weight of history, with anthems that have become the soundtrack to many lives. From their triumphant return to the stage with their ‘Out Out Quoing’ tour to the introspective melodies of Francis Rossi’s ‘Tunes & Chat’, the evening promises a blend of musical excellence and heartfelt storytelling.

Embrace the nostalgia with songs from the celebrated ‘Backbone’ album, and revel in the new with renditions from ‘Aquostic II – That’s a Fact’. This concert is not just about looking back; it’s about the here and now, the joy of music that continues to evolve.


As of Saturday, 12th of March 2022, the CovidCheck regime will no longer be applied at the Rockhal.